
About Valentina Preda

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So far Valentina Preda has created 252 entries.

GALITS – Completed the test campaign

The test campaign of the GALITS (GAlileo Localization In Train Signalling) project, funded by EU H2020 – EUSPA took place in the last week of November 2023. The project’s objective is the development of an innovative, flexible, and programmable GNSS receiver and antenna for railway safety applications, aiming to […]

30 November 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

P-CAR at ESA NAVISP Industry Days 2023

Radiolabs was one of the exhibitors at the NAVISP Industry Days at the European Space Research and Technology Centre ESA-ESTEC in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. The event focused on the PNT & Mobility, Alternative PNT Technologies, and current PNT Trends gave the opportunity to showcase the P-CAR project funded by […]

16 November 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Radiolabs partner of the HD Motion project

HD-MOTION  (HUB for the Digital Mobility Transformation) is part of the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) one-stop shops set up to support companies in responding to digital challenges and becoming more competitive.  HD-Motion has the ambition to make a great technological leap forward, giving a rapid acceleration to the […]

13 November 2023|Categories: News||

A new method to estimate vehicle’s velocity using GNSS

The estimation of velocity with high accuracy-integrity is of paramount importance for the ERTMS train control system and the CCAM connected-autonomous cars. The velocity is derived by gathering and processing data of different sensors measuring distance travelled, the time elapsed, the acceleration with the consequence that the accuracy of […]

24 October 2023|Categories: News|Tags: |

Radiolabs at the Space4Innovation in Rail – Madrid, 13-14 September 2023

European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) takes a step forward towards the future as the European Commission, the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EURail), the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA), and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) jointly host an event that showcases the integration of […]

15 September 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Go ahead to VOLIERA-2 project

State of the Art technologies and verification tools for a new generation of train positioning system with GNSS-IMU and Video-based sensors

After the positive outcomes from VOLIERA phase 1 project – Video Odometry with Lidar and EGNSS for ERTMS Applications – ESA has awarded to Hitachi Rail STS teaming with […]

27 July 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

INTECS Solutions new member of the Radiolabs Consortium





The Radiolabs Board of Directors approved the entry of INTECS Solutions SpA into the Radiolabs Consortium at the meeting held on 18 April.

The President of Radiolabs, Prof. Alessandro Neri, commenting on the operation, underlined that “Intecs Solutions which designs and develops applications, tools, software components, hardware components and products […]

18 April 2023|Categories: News|Tags: |

The President of the Abruzzo Region and the Rector of the University of L’Aquila visit the EMERGE Center of Excellence and the Radiolabs Laboratory

• First European ecosystem for innovation, research and specialist training for geo-location, telecommunications and cyber security technologies for autonomous vehicles;
• Technological synergies between the aerospace and automotive domains of the Abruzzo Region;
• International Centre for the validation and certification support of new technologies in collaboration with ASI and ESA;
• […]

27 March 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , |

HELMET project successfully completed

With the final review meeting taking place on January 30th the HELMET project has reached the last milestone fulfilling its expectations. HELMET a High integrity EGNSS Layer for Multimodal Eco-friendly Transportation – funded by EU H2020 – EUSPA and coordinated by Radiolabs with partners ITC, University of Pardubice, DLR, […]

31 January 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |

Results of connected vehicle projects presented at ASI

In Abruzzo the first eco-system dedicated to innovation for intelligent transport
A strategic asset to enhance made-in-Italy satellite technologies in Europe
A plan to increase know-how and highly specialized employment

The transport sector has embarked on a process of irreversible transformation with the energy transition and connected driving at […]

12 January 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |