
A Europe’s first test bed for ERTMS with GNSS technologies

Radiolabs role on the VICE4RAIL project

EGNSS – the European Global Navigation Satellite System – is one of the game-changing technologies for the evolution of the ERTMS train positioning and for the digitalization and optimization of the European Rail system. Before the adoption of the EGNSS technologies, a standard validation […]

14 January 2025|Categories: News||

Digital maps and object recognition for GNSS-based ERTMS

Radiolabs contribution to the RAILGAP project

An accurate digitalisation of railways lines requires a trustable reference  “ground truth” and a digital map,  indispensable tools for the interoperability and standardization of the GNSS into ERTMS train control system. Today these set of accurate informations are recorded manually with inevitable logistic problems. […]

22 November 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Radiolabs partner of the national augmentation network for autonomous mobility

Positioning with high accuracy, integrity and resiliency is a mandatory requirement for autonomous and automatic vehicles with GNSS a key technology to guarantee the high levels of safety for the ERTMS train control system and the CCAM for the connected and autonomous cars. So far investments on a par between users and […]

18 November 2024|Categories: News||

Pursuing innovation through scientific excellency

Four Radiolabs BoD members in the list of the World’s Top Scientists

Radiolabs, a no-profit public-private consortium has created a talented research team to translate innovation into commercialisation thanks to the collaboration between three Universities and three industries. Focus is on new technologies for safety-critical intelligent transport systems as […]

14 November 2024|Categories: News||

Radiolabs partner of the national augmentation network for autonomous mobility

Positioning with high accuracy, integrity and resiliency is a mandatory requirement for autonomous and automatic vehicles with GNSS a key technology to guarantee the high levels of safety for the ERTMS train control system and the CCAM for the connected and autonomous cars. So far investments on a par […]

07 November 2024|Categories: News||

Radiolabs at TRA 2024

TRA, the Transport Research Arena, is the foremost European transport event that covers all transport modes and all aspects of mobility. It is the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility with 4000+attendees and 150+ exhibitors at the 2024 event in Dublin.

Alessia Vennarini from Radiolabs gave […]

09 July 2024|Categories: News||

Radiolabs at the Cyber 4.0 Forum

Radiolabs has participated to the Cyber 4.0 Forum that took place on 6 and 7 June at Luiss University with 23 breakout sessions, 68 speakers, and about 400 participants – representing an important event of discussion and exchange with its reference community – institutions, companies and research and innovation […]

05 July 2024|Categories: News||

Radiolabs President and Vice President confirmed for 2024-26

On 28 May, the Board of Directors of Radiolabs confirmed Prof. Alessandro Neri (Vice-Rector for Innovation and Technology Transfer of Roma TRE University) in the role of President and Prof. Paola Inverardi (Rector of the Gran Sasso Science Institute) Vice President of the Radiolabs Consortium for the three-year period […]

04 June 2024|Categories: News||

Radiolabs on-board of Grimaldi for autonomous docking system

Grimaldi Satellite Assisted Berthing

GSAB-2 is the follow up phase of the GSAB flagship project awarded by the European Space Agency (ESA) on September 2022 and funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) within the Navigation Innovation and Support Program (NAVISP) to develop and validate the first assisted guidance system […]

31 May 2024|Categories: News||

At IAF Conference the results of EMERGE and P-CAR for the connected car

Made in Italy technologies from the Abruzzo innovation ecosystem

The automotive sector is the beating heart of the Abruzzo region with 8 billion in turnover, 23,000 employees and significant growth in terms of exports of around 48%. In Val di Sangro there are Stellantis Europe Spa Atessa, which has been […]

24 May 2024|Categories: News||