HD-MOTION – the HUB for the Digital Mobility Transformation – is part of the European Digital Innovation Hubs – EDIH – as one-stop shops for companies, businesses and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), enabling them to respond to digital challenges in a more coherent way, and increasing their competitiveness. HD Motion has been conceived with the goal of making a significant technological leap in the development of enabling innovative technological solutions to accelerate the transport digitization process, a priority of the European strategic plan for a sustainable mobility and transport services with its 230 billion annual turnover, 350,000 employees, 8,000 companies, 75% of which are represented by SMEs.

 Direct target users of the services offered by HD-MOTION are SMEs and public sector organizations offering them the opportunity to stimulate both the ability of the PA to generate demand for innovative digital services and products and the parallel ability of (private and public) service providers and supplier companies to satisfy it. In particular:

  • mobility service providers;
  • public transport companies;
  • freight transport companies;
  • vehicle manufacturers
  • public authorities involved in mobility planning and decision-making for a sustainable mobility and the competitivity of the Italian transport system.

In this frame, Radiolabs will provide access to their unique laboratories specialised in vehicle’s high integrity geolocalization, cybersecurity, and telecommunication, for the digitalization of rail and road infrastructures for testing-before-investing and high-skill training services in collaboration with the EMERGE Center of Excellence of the University of L’Aquila.

HD-Motion represents for Radiolabs an opportunity coherent with its mission to foster the collaboration between industry and research community, technology transfer, synergies with projects funded by ASI, ESA, and EUSPA, and to contribute also to the creation of new skills to grasp the unprecedented transformation facing the transport sector with the adoption of new satellite technologies.

HD-MOTION | European Digital Innovation Hubs Network

ESA – ESA-backed autonomous driving lab set for Italy