
Enterprise 2.0

Customer: TelecomItalia S.p.A
Duration: 2008 – 2009

The Project

The Enterprise 2.0 Project is an initiative that Telecom Italia wants to launch on Top and Enterprise Markets. Its goal is to expand the use of social software platforms within companies, or between companies and their partners and customers. The project involves the testing of software-based services, based on a prototype software with social network analysis and augmentation services provisioning functions, designed for Enterprise 2.0 Internet and Intranet Portals

RadioLabs activities

In order to successfully conduct the experimentations, Radiolabs will carry out the following activities:

  • Definition of the requirements for the prototype Enterprise 2.0 portals for Internet and Intranet access, identification of the functional shaping, and of the optional core element services, which will represent part of the solution;
  • Design and implementation of system prototype testing

S5LECT – 5G & Satcom per le Ferrovie

Radiolabs è partner di S5LECT – SatCom and 5G Link Edge, Cyber telecommunication – il nuovo progetto selezionato da EUSPA per favorire le potenzialità derivanti dall’ibridazione di reti di comunicazione terrestri e satellitari per applicazioni ferroviarie critiche. Il progetto –

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