

Customer: GSA (GNSS Supervisory Authority – 6th Framework Program) – Telespazio S.p.A.
Duration: July 2007 – October 2007

The Project

The aim of Project HARRISON is to study, design and implement a prototype of a system able to distribute time and synchronization information, in an authenticated and certified from, by means of the signals employed in the currently deployed satellitary radio-navigation system Galileo. RadioLabs involvement in this project consists of a substantial contribution in defining the requirements of the services using the time information, and in definining how a server HARRISON can supply these services to various users.

[cml_media_alt id='903']harrison[/cml_media_alt]

Radiolabs activities

Provider for the Telespazio S.p.A. company, belonging to the group Finmeccanica/ Thales and Partner of the HARRISON Consortium.

RadioLabs is responsible of the following activities:

  1. Service requirements definition
    • review of existing schemes and methodologies currently used for the transfer/distribution of time synchronization information, by means of GNSS systems;
    • Analysis of potential “security issues”, and of the possible countermeasures to the identified threats;
    • Description of the protocols employed to distribute the time synchronization information through the Internet;
    • service requirements for the proposed system HARRISON;
    • Suggestion of possible schems for the optimization of the provided services, possibly regarding different classes of users;
    • definition of access protocols for the authentication of allowed users (service subscribers) and standardization process, by using intrinsic characteristics of the Galileo signal (oriented to assurance services)
  2. Aspects of realization for the provision of time information, taking into account a “client-server”scheme.

The Partners

The Partners of HARRISON are:

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S5LECT – 5G & Satcom per le Ferrovie

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