

Customer: Ministry of Economic Development
Duration: 2009-2012 (expected)

The Project

The IMPULSO Project aims at achieving an integrated logistics management system, able to perform the management of freight transport in the medium/long-haul and in metropolitan areas.

In this context IMPULSO deals with the implementation of a system for the management, control and logistics of goods, able to guarantee the integration of functionalities at different geographical levels: metropolitan area, area in the medium and long haul.

The projec is organized into three main subsystems (the leader is indicated in parentheses):

  • WP100 – Components and transport systems (Elsag-Datamat)
  • WP200 – Infologistics (Vitrociset)
  • WP300 – Components and collaborative Systems (Telespazio)

The WP100 subsystem covers all components and sensors, hardware and infrastructures systems with high innovative value, which allow the collection of information from the field, or work actions and activities in a more or less automatic modality, in order to make the management of transports logistics more precise and efficient, and to reduce the need of human intervention.

WP200 subsystem deals with the development of systems and logistics components for road transport of goods, in both urban and extra urban areas. It concerns the development of various software modules which have to deal with the optimization of the routes for deliveries/withdrawals, in addition to ensuring the maximum filling factor for the vehicles, depending on the service architecture, the zoning of the area, the type of merchandise, and the imposed service constraints.

The Cooperative System (WP300) is the platform which allows the interaction and integration of heterogeneous applications and users, that is, the communication between hardware components developed in WP100 and software components developed in WP200, while guaranteeing the provision of services offered to the customer. The main issues to be addressed are:

  • the definition of a unifying model (“domain ontology”) of all the information related to the involved entities (identification, localization, containment, liability management);
  • the integrated management, at network architecture level, of the unifying information, by specifically exploiting the technological opportunities offered by IPv6
  • the definition of services (“Mediation Layer”) which allow heterogeneous applications to cooperate by effectively using the unifying information.

RadioLabs activities

300-5 Network Simulaziont

Development of newtork simulator which permits to evaluate the requirements of a network for data acquisition and control for the considered IMPULSO platform. It will be necessary to perform:

  • an analysis of the techniques to access both the mobile vehicle and the individual package
  • an analysis on the quantity and frequency of the data to be transmitted
  • a selection of the applicant and the recipient
  • an evaluation of possible criticalities of service provision (lack of covering, etc.)

320-3 Mobile unit access network – Full IP (IPv6) network

 Analysis of the problems regarding the access to mobile devices with IP technology. IP-based applications in mobile radio devices. The possibility of IPv6 use for the indexing of the parcels to be carried will be evaluated.

The Partners

The Partners of the IMPULSO project are:

  • Main proposer: VITROCISET S.p.A.
  • Other partners:
    • Industries:
      • Telespazio S.p.A
      • Elsag-Datamat S.p.A.
      • TXT e-solutions
      • Project Automation S.p.A.
      • Aitek S.p.A.
      • INFO SOLUTION S.p.A.
      • Italdata Ingegneria dell’Idea S.p.A.
      • Click&Find s.r.l.
    • Research Organizations:
      • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) – Dipartimento ICT
      • Consorzio Milano Ricerche
      • CREASYS s.r.l.
      • Universita’ di Roma “La Sapienza” (CATTID)
      • Universita’ of Palermo
    • Contractualized Research Organizations:
      • RadioLabs
      • Nitel
      • Universita’ di Firenze
      • Cagliari
      • Brescia
      • Siena
      • Politecnico di Milano (Dip. Meccanica)
      • Corisa
    • Small and medium Companies:
      • Media Plus s.r.l.
      • Globo Informatica s.r.l.
      • Planetek Italia s.r.l.
    • End Users:
      • Servizio Provinciale Lavori Pubblici e Mobilità – Provincia di Rimini
      • Assessorato alle Politiche della Mobilità e Trasporti – Comune di Roma
      • Interporto Regionale della Puglia
      • ATAC – Agenzia di Mobilità del Comune di Roma
      • Comune di Milano
      • CIM S.p.A. – Centro Interportuale Merci di Novara
      • Comune di Genova
      • Interporto Rivalta Scrivia

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