

Customer: European Community – 6 Framework Program
Duration: 2004-2006

The Project

[cml_media_alt id='855']logo simplicity[/cml_media_alt]The Project Simplicity has begun on January 2004 and lasted two years. The project Simplicityaims at designing and developing a system able to simplify the use of ICT services. Simplicityrenders automatic all the procedures for configuration and customization of terminals, and adapts user services to the terminal, the network or the considered context. The user can thus customize the terminals and the services simply by entering into any suitable terminal a specific device (Simplicity Device, that is, a card or a specifically modified SIM card) in which he has previously stored his preferences.

The system developed by the Simplicity Project comprises three different parts:

  • Simplicity Device: a device that contains the information regarding customization, preferences and configuration defined by the user
  • Terminal Broker: end user terminal through which each user can exploit ICT services;
  • Network Broker: service provider and platform manager.

The project has created a fully functional prototype, whose performances have been measured in working conditions.

Radiolabs activities

In the SIMPLICITY Project, Radiolabs acted as coordinator, assuming the responsibility for the activities of project management, objectives achievements, relations with the Commission and with other similar projects. In addition, Radiolabs has managed two work packages: WP 2.2, dedicated to the architecture specification, and WP 3.3, dedicated to the development of the SIMPLICITY device.

The Partners

The Partners of SIMPLICITY are:

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S5LECT – 5G & Satcom per le Ferrovie

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