
TiLab Seamless

Customer: Telecom Italia Lab
Duration: September, 2006 – March 2008

The Project

The present research is aimed at developing new wireless solutions for the integration of fixed and mobile networks, in order to develop new residential services. The scientific-technical cooperation took place between Telecom Italia and the three Roman University (“La Sapienza”, “Tor Vergata”, “Roma Tre”). The goal “consisted in the development of the demonstrator able to show the feasibility of new consumer services, that enhance the potential of existing domestic solutions through the use of newly introduced technologies.

The research included elements of “Ambient Communication”, with specific reference to personal terminals (smarthphones) and “Personal Media”, in relation to the interactive sharing of contents using standard protocols (SIP and UPNP).

The development was targeted to implement applications on mobile terminals (Windows Mobile 5 and Symbian) which allow to connect home devices with mobile devices (smartphones, and other wearable devices). These applications are able to provide to the remote user in mobility the same service available in a domestic environment, by means of the “seamless handover” functionality. Applications on Symbian and Windows Mobile 5 platforms have been developed, and a small demonstrator service based on applications exploiting protocols such as UPNP, which otherwise would not be able to export services outside the home network, was set up. Also SIP based applications was considered.

The final demonstration of the project was set up in June 2008, at the headquarters of Telecom Italia Lab in Turin.

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RadioLabs activities

RadioLabs has been the Project coordinatos. The three Roman universities (“La Sapienza”, “Tor Vergata”, “Roma Tre”) have participated to the Project.

The Partners

The Partners of the TiLab Seamless Project are:

S5LECT – 5G & Satcom per le Ferrovie

Radiolabs è partner di S5LECT – SatCom and 5G Link Edge, Cyber telecommunication – il nuovo progetto selezionato da EUSPA per favorire le potenzialità derivanti dall’ibridazione di reti di comunicazione terrestri e satellitari per applicazioni ferroviarie critiche. Il progetto –

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