
Wi-Fi Campus

Customer: University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Duration: 2002

The Project

The Wi-Fi Campus Project aims at implementing a network infrastructure with Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) technology,in order to offer e-learning and other Internet services to the students of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
The experimentation, started in the buildings of the Engineering Faculty during December, 2002, and allowed, among the other things, to address the technical problems associated with the use of the considered technology for the provision of services to a large numbers of users.

RadioLabs activities

Within the context of the Wi-Fi Campus Project, RadioLabs is developing an infrastructure able to guarantee an optimal coverage of both indoor and outdoor environments, able to integrate router, firewall, web server functions and AAA (Authentication, Authorization & Accounting) services. Such system will allow its enables users to access the network by simply providing their username and password.
The system will also be equipped with a software for access, failures and congestion management, and it will be able to switchtowards other networks. Eventually, the software under development will incluse a grafical user interface, which Will show in real-time the data related to all the connected users, to the traffic, and to other data useful of the network management.

The Partners

The Project has been realized in cooperation with TILS S.p.A. (Telecom Italia Learning Services).

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S5LECT – 5G & Satcom per le Ferrovie

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