AB4Rail online workshop, 21st March 2022 at 9:15 am (CET)

We are glad to invite you to attend the AB4Rail online workshop to be held on 21st March 2022 at 9:15 am (CET), entitled “Aerial technologies as Alternative Bearers for railway”
 The event will be focused on the AB4Rail project presentation and related updates, together with main findings and preliminary results regarding aerial technologies (MEO/LEO Satellites and HAPS) as Alternative Bearers for railway and other transport sectors.
 Attending the AB4Rail online workshop, you will have the opportunity to receive information on the last trends and updates related to the forthcoming communication technologies and applications for the rail and transport sectors in the next few years.
Please find here the final programme and the related link to the Teams session.

Radiolabs at TRA 2024

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