Radiolabs at the New Space Economy Forum

Showcase new projects for connected and autonomous driving with satellite technologies.

Radiolabs took part in the New Space Economy Expo Forum – an international event organized by Fiera Roma from 5 to 7 December on technology transfer and in particular on the ability of the new space economy to enable new terrestrial markets based on space innovation driven by entrepreneurship. In its Stand set up inside the Exhibition, Radiolabs presented the projects for the connected and autonomous driving of Trains, Cars and Ships that most benefit from satellite applications and technological synergies and osmosis from the different sectors.

In particular, the GALITS project, based on a new multi-sensor platform, compatible with the Virtual Balise and Absolute Positioning applications of the ERTMS train control system. With GALITS Radiolabs has developed a new positioning platform capable of processing GPS and GALILEO signals, with multi-frequency and multi-sensor capability to significantly improve the accuracy achieved so far in the railway environment.

The GSAB project has been conceived for the assisted docking of large ships, for which a positioning platform with very high accuracy, integrity, and resilience – never achieved before – is being developed. And finally, P-CAR, the first European platform for the Independent Validation and Certification Center located in the city of L’Aquila. This Center is dedicated to suppliers, system integrator, and car manufacturers to testing their devices in a virtualised and real environment for the connected and autonomous cars and for the smart roads that make use of satellite services integrated with other sensors and must meet stringent safety requirements.  All these technologies – designed and developed in Italy also thanks to projects supported by ASI, ESA and EUSPA and major stakeholders – are strategic for the transition to the connected and autonomous driving of vehicles, thanks to which it will be possible to increase safety, eco-sustainability and efficiency of the transport sector.

In the session GNSS Satellite Positioning Applications and Services on December 5th, Alessia Vennarini – Head of High Integrity GNSS Platforms – gave a presentation on High Integrity Geolocation for ERTMS: state of the art and evolution.

New Space Economy


Geolocalizzazione ad alta Integrità per l’ERTMS

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