RADIOLABS has become a member of the National Technological Cluster “Trasporti Italia 2020”

We are pleased to announce that RADIOLABS has become part of the National Technology Cluster “Trasporti Italia 2020”.

The National Technological Cluster “Trasporti Italia 2020” (Tra.IT2020 CTN) is an association recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development as a reference for the sector of transport and systems for terrestrial and marine surface mobility.

The cluster brings together the main national actors, industrial and scientific, that operate in the road mobility, rail, waterways and intermodality, with the aim of creating synergies between the various sectors and identify future research trajectories and innovation in the sector of surface transport. In particular the association intends to develop the attitude towards a system approach that aims at promotion of excellence “Made in Italy”. Over 200,000 workers are involved, for € 6.4 billion of R & D investments with revenues of € 33.3 billion.

Italy Transport Cluster

Progetto EMERGE

Radiolabs at TRA 2024

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Radiolabs at the Cyber 4.0 Forum

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