
FACIES : Online identification of Failure and Attack on interdependent Critical InfrastructurES

The FACIES project aims to define cooperation strategies for the automatic detection of failures and attacks on interdependent critical infrastructures. The solution under investigation adopts a decentralized and peer-to-peer perspective in which only partial and non-sensitive data are shared between the different subjects.

Consequently, the rapid detection of the onset of malfunctions and/or attacks is part of the issue of estimating the state of the system starting from incomplete information.

S5LECT – 5G & Satcom for Railways

Radiolabs is partner of S5LECT – SatCom and 5G Link Edge, Cyber telecommunication – the new project selected by EUSPA to unlock the potential arising from the hybridization of terrestrial and satellite communications networks for railway critical applications. The project

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Customer: Cyber 4.0 Duration:  June 2022 – May 2024 The SHINE-ON (Secured HIgh accuracy localizatioN Equipment for auto motive applicatioNs) project intends to develop an innovative control unit (ECU, Electronic Controller Unit) that allows to increase the accuracy of vehicle localization, fundamental for connected

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Customer: EUSPA Duration: June 2021 – December 2023 The objective of GALITS (GAlileo Localization In Train Signalling) is to develop an innovative, flexible and customizable GNSS receiver and antenna suitable for safety-related railway applications. This project – being optimised to

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