Radiolabs will coordinate the RHINOS project

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RHINOS The project was selected by the GSA (European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency) among the projects to be funded at the end of the race Horizon 2020-Galileo 2nd Call. RHINOS (Railway High Integrity Navigation Overlay System) is part of the Galileo-3 line dedicated to the exploitation of the potential of systems based on EGNSS applications through international cooperation.
RHINOS will be built by Radiolabs (coordinator) in collaboration with prestigious research centers such as Stanford University which is the international partner (non-European), the DLR in Germany, the University of Notthingam UK and the University of Pardubice in Czech Republic. SOGEI and Ansaldo STS are the industrial partners. The purpose of RHINOS is to exploit the potential of GNSS infrastructure under construction in the world even for applications in the railway industry whose market is growing rapidly. The European infrastructure EGNSS (GALILEO and EGNOS) in addition to the American GPS and WAAS represent reference systems to which “add” additional elements such as local systems of “augmentation” ARAIM techniques and sensors to allow the use of the current infrastructure SBAS, it built for the needs of the aviation industry, also for the railway sector. The start of RHINOS project is expected in January 2016 and will run for 18 months during which there are three international workshops that will involve satellite and railway communities.

Radiolabs at TRA 2024

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