Radiolabs at ITS European Congress 2023

Lisbon, 24 May 2023

Radiolabs joined the 15th ITS European Congress which saw an impressive participation with some 2500 registered participants from 59 countries, 113 Technical sessions and 83 exhibitors. Francesco Valentini from Radiolabs was invited at the ESA Special Interest Session on The Use of Space Technologies for the Connected Cooperative Autonomous Mobility – CCAM, giving a speech on the Verification and Validation Challenges of high accuracy-integrity multi-sensor positioning devices (see presentation).  This topic the core of the P-CAR Laboratory under development in the city of L’Aquila with the University through the ESA Navisp Element 3 programme funded by ASI (press release here).

The P-CAR laboratory is part of a national strategic infrastructure backed by the Region Abruzzo that is pursuing a strategy to fill the gap between the space technologies and the mobility of the future (press release here). The plan is to build an independent and accredited centre for the performance evaluation of the customer’s positioning devices and to support their certification and homologation process for the connected and autonomous cars. The participation of Radiolabs at the ITS Congress in Lisbon was an opportunity to showcase its crucial role on the validation strategy based on the synergies with the Rail sector and fostering virtual testing with the Hardware in the Loop approach; it will therefore be possible to limit field test that will require hundreds of millions of Km to demonstrate their compliance with the stringent safety levels in the worst operational scenarios.


Radiolabs ITS Europe v2

Making Innovation through Scientific Excellence

Four members of the RadioLabs Board of Directors named for the World’s Best Scientists Radiolabs, a non-profit public-private consortium, has created over the years a research and talent team to translate innovation into commercialization by leveraging the collaboration between the

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