Radiolabs at the 2018 Satellite Navigation Summit presenting VIRGILIO

Munich, March, 5th 2018

Is the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)  the key to autonomy? That is the  theme of the 2018 edition of the Munich Satellite Navigation Summit, which gathered experts from all over the world to talk about the latest news on Positioning, Navigation, and Timing and their role for future autonomy. Radiolabs, the Italian Research Organization exhibiting at the Summit, has showcased VIRGILIO – a state of the art and in-field verified, simulation tool for high integrity GNSS applications in the land transportation domain. With flexible and cloud-based interfaces VIRGILIO  has everything going for it supporting the design of augmentation networks and high integrity multi-modal GNSS applications such as train control, driver-less cars and unmanned aerials.

*VIRGILIO – Virtual InstRuments for GNSS AugmentatIon and LocalizatIOn has been co-funded byRadiolabs and Regione Lazio.

Radiolabs at TRA 2024

TRA, the Transport Research Arena, is the foremost European transport event that covers all transport modes and all aspects of mobility. It is the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility with 4000+attendees and 150+ exhibitors at

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Radiolabs at the Cyber 4.0 Forum

Radiolabs has participated to the Cyber 4.0 Forum that took place on 6 and 7 June at Luiss University with 23 breakout sessions, 68 speakers, and about 400 participants – representing an important event of discussion and exchange with its

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