Radiolabs awarded a new contract under ESA SBS-RAILS Phase 2.1 project

Radiolabs is partner of the SBS-RAILS Phase 2.1 Technology Demonstrator coordinated by Ansaldo STS and participated by RFI. The project aims to design, develop and test, both on laboratory and on field, a demonstrator for the certification of a ERTMS L2 Regional Line Solution (ERSAT program) based on GNSS localization and public telecom IP services including Satcom. Radiolabs is involved on various tasks, mainly in the development of simulation tools for the GNSS Test Environment, GNSS Characterization and performance analysis, and more on Radio TLC (MLCP and Voice Module) commissioning and final field tests on the Pinerolo – Sangone line.

Radiolabs at TRA 2024

TRA, the Transport Research Arena, is the foremost European transport event that covers all transport modes and all aspects of mobility. It is the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility with 4000+attendees and 150+ exhibitors at

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Radiolabs at the Cyber 4.0 Forum

Radiolabs has participated to the Cyber 4.0 Forum that took place on 6 and 7 June at Luiss University with 23 breakout sessions, 68 speakers, and about 400 participants – representing an important event of discussion and exchange with its

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