The VIRGILIO project (Virtual InstRuments for GNSS AugmentatIon and LocalizatIOn) submitted by Radiolabs has won a public tender of Lazio Innova dedicated to “ Research Projects for Universities and Centers of Research – L.R. 13/2008” for private research centers.
The presentation ceremony of selected projects was held in Rome on April 21th 2015 at Sala delle Bandiere of European Parliament in IV November street, 149.
VIRGILIO is a technological platform conceived by Radiolabs for analysis, design and development of innovative and advanced Location Based Services (LBS).
The localization systems represent an innovation tool in all those contests, where positioning information is a critical factor for the development of services and equipments.
In the sectors of logistics and security, the different actors of industrial chains, from hardware producers to end users, can take advantage from the availability of tools for dimensioning and planning of localization systems for equipments and services development.
The VIRGILIO platform will be offered with SaS (Software as Service) paradigms in Cloud modality and can be configured by users in modular way.
In particular, the platform will be aimed at offering a software tool to research centers and Small and Medium Enterprises to verify feasibility, design, planning and optimisation of innovative LBS services.
The requirements analysis of that platform will be carried out according to detailed market survey to target end-user scenarios.